Ozone uses

Ozone for home use

Air conditioning

The air conditioning equipment from home, office, hotel, restaurant or car requires interventions of maintenance in order to maintain its efficiency and operation. The biggest maintenance issue includes periodical cleaning of the conduits in order to eliminate the organic matter and microbes from the air conditioning equipment. The microbial increase leads to corrosion, prevents the effective cooling exchange and can block quickly the cooling system if there is no intervention, and the main issue is the annoying malodor given by bacteria.

The approach with a chemical treatment is not an effective solution for this issue.

The progress made in technology led to the development of a much powerful weapon against microbes: ozone.

Ozone has an oxidation power of 1.52 times higher than chlorine, which makes it the most powerful oxidizer available commercially on the market. Our ozone generators can destroy the microorganisms and the organic matter that enters into the cooling system.

Drinking water

The water plants use the underground and surface water sources, water which is contaminated by microorganisms such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium. The current treatment methods use ozone for the production in safety conditions of clean, drinking water.

In case the disinfection with chlorine doesn’t succeed, the ozone does the job.

The ozone use in the production of drinking water plays a variety of roles:

  • Is used as oxidizer to replace the chemical chlorine products or other kind of products in this process.
  • Reduces the use of chemical elements.
  • Oxidizes iron and manganese.
  • Oxidizes hydrogen, sulphur or other sulphur compounds.
  • Removes the color from water.
  • Disinfects from Giardia and Cryptosporidium.
  • Improves the filtering effectiveness.
  • Removes the micro-pollutants, such as the pharma products from water, products of personal care.

Swimming pools

When you swim in the swimming pool the water may get into your mouth.

In case the water is not potable, it may lead to some diseases of eyes, skin and of the respiratory tract.

What's worse is that this water may lead to typhus, cholera, syphilis, dysentery. Meantime, water can be polluted by germs and microbes brought by swimmers, so that the disinfection equipment must be installed.

The traditional disinfection method is with chlorine that includes chlorine (liquid chlorine), merchlore, merchlore dioxid, chloramine. But this method affects the eyes and the respiratory tract, erodes the equipment and the conduits from the swimming pool and needs a good management, or accidents may happen. If you enter in contact with the water containing chlorine you may experience dry hair and skin. What’s worse, the chlorine ramifications can be carcinogenic and may affect people's health very much.

Ozone eliminates bad smells

Destroys mould

Do you face serious issues with mould and mould spores in the house, basement, restaurant, hotel?

The common cleaning methods are not enough when we deal with remedying the areas covered by mould.

Ozone saturates the entire surface and reaches to the inaccessible areas to the hand in order to neutralize the mould spores directly at their source.

The ozone generators are a priceless tool if you want to sterilize completely the spaces covered by mould and spores.

The damp and humidity are often factors that produce mould and it is important to drop these levels before treatment.

Gasoline and diesel oil

Have you ever transported gasoline and due to oversight this spilt on the back seat and in the rear boot?

Do you have a bad smell in your car due to a leakage at the supply system or due to some exhaust gas?

Have you just spilt gasoline by mistake in the garage?

Do you have a garage or an auto service where a powerful smell of diesel oil can be felt?

Wash well that area using water (steam in general) and with sodium bicarbonate then apply an ozone treatment.

Old furniture

Do you have an old furniture and you want to keep it, but it smells like mould and old?

Water has just poured on the furniture?

Have you forgotten the window opened and it rained on the furniture?

Has a child urinated on the furniture?

Ozone can eliminate any mould bad smells that penetrate the material.


Do you face issues with the sewage and an annoying WC bad smell is in your house?

Has the sewage cranked and you don’t know what to do?

Has the smell impregnated in the walls?

Smoke and fire

Is there smelling fog, fire and soot in your house?

Do you have a problem with the carbonized residue or a smell of burnt plastic?

Do you have a persisting cigar smoke in your house?

You have just forgotten a sauce pan on the gas cooker, it became ash and you have now a smell of something burned?

Identical issues may emerge also in restaurants, hotels.

Ozone is the solution.

Rotten meat

The rotten meat in a building is an awful smell that can be easily eliminated with ozone.

Has the blood ran off from the meat on the bottom board or carpet, are you left without power supply at your fridge or deep-freezer, with ozone you neutralize all the awful bad smells.

Wash well the respective place, apply an ozone treatment and what you’ll get will be a perfectly respirable air.

Cooked meal

The irritating and awful bad smells resulted from cooking can also result from burning, decay, or the simply continuous use of food. This aspect can be an impediment when you want to sell your house.

The issue of the awful bad smells, resulted from cooked meal is also known by those working in canteens, restaurants, hospitals.

The list of bad smells is long resulting from:

  • stove, oven or fridge
  • decayed milk
  • fryer
  • steak, bacon
  • cheese, eggs
  • garlic
  • food debris

The ozone treatment will surely and effectively eliminate all kinds of cooking bad smell. The deodorization of the cooking bad smells with ozone is a guarantee.

Solution: wash well the place where the bad smells persist, then apply an ozone treatment. The result is a respirable, fresh air.


Do you have pets and you have a bad smell in the house of dead, of fecal matter, urine, vomit?

If you face one or more bad smells resulted from the pets that you have or from a pet that you previously had in the house that you have just bought, ozone is the one that can destroy those bad smells and create a comfortable living environment, that suits you and your guests.


For the owners of houses with smokers in the family, the cigarette smoke is not something so pleasant.

In these houses with smokers we can see that awful smell of cigarette and tar.

Ozone oxidizes all the bad smells that determine the owners to grimace and leaves a fresh air into the house.

The pub, restaurant, club or hotel owners face with the same big issue: the cigar smoke.

With our ozone devices this cigarette smoke is completely eliminated.

Human body

The body smell leaves the skin and attaches to textiles, clothes, carpets, sofas, chairs, blanket, bed, leaving behind an awful bad smell (to the extreme is the smell of the aged).

The ozone treatment solves all these issues of the human body bad smell.

Carpets and footcloths

The carpet or the footcloth has a heavy smell of old, mould?

Did you spill a big quantity of liquid on it?

Wash the carpet, apply a treatment with our ozone generators and we guarantee that you will get rid of these issues.


Do you have mould on the walls made of wood, gyps, board or concrete?

Have you been flooded and now mould emerged?

Do you feel awful bad smell in the walls?

First of all try to eliminate damp, use mouldstop, then use the ozone generators.

We guarantee mould elimination.

Vehicle, Boat

The nicotine smell from a vehicle can be irritating and hard to bear for the non-smokers.

The cigarette, engine smoke as well as that from the car stuffing, from the air-conditioning installation (where millions of microbes gather, that give a heavy bad smell over time, even if we change the pollen filter) are eliminated by our ozone generators.

The professional car wash houses can be a good customer for our ozone devices.

Hospitals, Nurseries

The hospitals and Nurseries can be a favourable land for germs, viruses and bacteria.

The powerful bad smells have also a powerful persistence.

The terrible bad smells caused by spilt milk, diapers, sick people who sneeze and spread active microbes in the air, awful smelling rubbish bins, mould, cooked meal etc.

Use our ozone generators and we guarantee you getting rid of all the above-mentioned issues.

Restaurants and Pubs

The restaurants and pubs have become a battlefield between smokers and non-smokers.

An also big issue is the bad smell resulted from the cooked meal. The owners and the customers are caught in the middle. Our ozone air systems are easy to install in the ventilation systems and the elimination of the existing smoke, eliminate the kitchen bad smells and other pollutants, that can persist.

Furthermore, the system will destroy pathogen agents, reducing the danger of spreading the diseases in the air. The smokers will enjoy the pleasure following the dinner and the non-smokers will leave home without an awful bad smell on their clothes. Everybody is satisfied.

For house owners, smoking is a pleasure, but not the smoke afterwards. Neither the mould nor the bacteriological bad smell.

Office, Hotel

The hotel owners are among those who use ozone the most.

Use our ozone generators and you will get rid of the bad smell resulted from:

  • cigarette smoke and tar
  • dead and old
  • human body
  • cooked meal
  • air-conditioning
  • chlorine
  • mould from the ventilation system
  • pets.

House, basement, attic

Since ozone is a powerful oxidizer, this can destroy bad smells permanently.

The ozone generators are extremely effective in reducing the level of bad smell and mould from the house, basement or attic and the restoring of fresh neutral air. Using ozone devices you can sterilize completely all the rooms, getting rid of organic bad smells.

The unpleasant "skunk" bad smells can be eliminated for sure by our devices.

The bad smell resulted from:

  • cigarette smoke and tar
  • cooked meal and food debris
  • dead and old
  • WC
  • pets
  • human body
  • air-conditioning
  • mould
  • smoke

can be eliminated by ozone use.

Food processing using ozone

Food storage

Ozone use in storage spaces for:

  • potatoes
  • onions
  • vegetables
  • citrus fruits
  • meat
  • fish and sea food
  • all related to fruits-vegetables-meat


  • destroys germs
  • extends the validity period of the product.
  • controls and eliminates microbes.
  • maintains the rooms sanitation inhibiting the pathogen agents.
  • eliminates mould from the area dedicated to cold storage.
  • controls bad smell.

Ice and fish storage

Ozone can be diluted in water, that can be afterwards frozen.

This process will store ozone in ice creating: ozonated ice. This ozonated ice can be used when storing fish and can keep the products fresh for a longer period of time.

A lot of fish is brought from the ocean by the fishing vessels, that can stay afloat more weeks. In order to keep a high quality of the fish products, ozonated ice is usually used for these vessels. Ozonated ice can be also used in storing the fish in fisheries or directly on the shelf for sale.

Mushroom cultivation

Ozone kills bacteria, mould and other microorganisms

The results of an ozone treatment in the culture medium are:

  • the bacteriological contamination is reduced.
  • the pests reduce.
  • diseases reduce.
  • the mushroom resistance to pests increases.
  • the end products rate improves.
  • costs drop.

Following such a treatment, mushrooms grow visibly.

The tap water with ozone replaces completely the pesticides for mushrooms disinfection, avoiding pollution with chemicals.

The mushrooms harvest in due time accounts for a prerequisite in order to ensure their quality, and following the ozone disinfection they must be stored in a deposit.

Once the ozone treatment has been applied, this allows the mushrooms to be fresh for a longer period and ensures their keeping on the shelf for a longer period of time.

Fish and seafood processing

Chlorine was used as disinfectant in the sefood and fish industry, in spite of the limited effect that it has on destroying bacteria.

The ozone use in aquaculture is effective in reducing the water consumption by increasing the water re-use, the reduction of diseases in incubators, the reduction of bacteria and viruses.

Ozone can be diluted in the water in order to provide an aqueous ozone solution, that is stable, safe and easy to control. This water that includes ozone, can replace chlorine and is an antimicrobial agent for:

  • the preparation of fish and seafood.
  • the cleaning of work surfaces.
  • the sterilization of the slicing or work machines,cutting tables, knives, and all the equipment that could be used in processing areas.
  • bad smell control following fish processing..

Fruits and vegetables processing

Fruits and vegetables may present bacteria and mould that reduce the validity period and may cause serious health problems.

The simple rinsing doesn’t disinfect adequately against mould and bacteria.

By the atomization of the water with ozone a complete cleaning of fruits and vegetables is done.

The products atomized with ozone have a longer period of storage and alteration doesn’t appear during the transit period and on the shelf. This can reduce up to 50% of products deterioration, which can lead to higher profits.

Eggs processing

The ozone advantages for eggs processing:

  • destroys E-coli.
  • destroys Listeria.
  • destroys Salmonela.
  • eliminates the egg bad smell, being the most powerful oxidizer on the market.
  • destroys promptly the pathogen agents.
  • no use of chemical products.
  • you have no residues of chemical products.
  • it's natural and allows ozone use in ecological use production.

Meat processing

Ozone destroys pathogen agents.

Ozone advantages for meat processing:

  • the most powerful available oxidizer
  • ecological
  • destroys germs instantaneously
  • 3000 times more powerful than chlorine
  • no chemical residues resulted

Ozone is most appropriate for the food industry, due to its capacity to disinfect microorganisms without chemical products and can be used in meat processing and storage.

Total inactivation of the pathogen agents:

  • Salmonella
  • E. coli O157: H7
  • Listeria
  • Micrococcus aureus
  • Clostriduim botulinum

Ozone benefits:

  • improves meat taste and aspect.
  • decreases the number of microorganisms and ensures a longer validity period.
  • destroys pathogen agents instantaneously.
  • you don't use chemical products.
  • you have no chemical products residues.
  • it's natural and allows ozone use in ecological food production

Wine bottling

A serious issue in wine industry is crossed contamination between lots of wine and the management of natural yeast (Brettanomyces) that destroys wine leaving behind a heavy aroma.

In the past, the standard sanitation practices, included in the use of cleaning solutions, chlorides for the sanitation of wine equipment, followed by a rinsing with citric acid in order to neutralize chlorine. Chlorinated couldn’t be used in barrels because of the chemical properties and of oak retention.

The ozonated water use is already adopted by the wine industry. Ozone has more advantages than other alternatives, including higher quality cleaning, time and savings, electricity and the use of chemical products that could have harmful serious effects dropped.

The common use for ozone in wine industry include the following:

  • barrels cleaning
  • the surfaces and equipment cleaning
  • the reservoir cleaning
  • the transfer and processing pipes cleaning (Clean-in-place: CIP)

Ozone improves barrels by the prevention of accumulating organic matter that undermines longevity and prevents their replacement.

A wide variety of surfaces and equipments are usually disinfected with ozonated water in order to control unwanted microbes and to keep away from contamination:

  • harvesters
  • breaker
  • carriers
  • bottles
  • bottling equipment
  • non-corrosive steel reservoirs that can stay empty for a week or more after the initial cleaning.
  • transfer pipes: CIP, that involves cleaning and disinfection of the pumps system, conduits, reservoirs, hoses, filters, bottling lines, etc.

Detergents, hot water under pressure, steam, chemical products, leave residues, are electricity consumers and they account for a matter of security.

Ozone is an integrant part of cleaning in the food processing industry, and it’s an obvious choice for the wine processing equipment.

Water bottling

Ozone has a varied use in the treatment of the drinking water acting fast and effectively.

Ozone is superior to any other disinfection method due to its high oxidation state and allows smaller operational costs, coming back to oxygen, so no taste or smell can be associated after its use destroying bacteria instantaneously.

The International Water Bottling Association (IBWA) suggests a residual ozone level between 0,2 and 0,4 ppm. This provides a disinfection of the water as well as of the bottle.

Practically, in all the stages of bottling water production the ozone technology is used in a way or another. From the washing process of the bottle and cork till the final filling. A low ozone concentration is diluted in the water right before bottling in order to disinfect the water, the bottle and the cover without leaving behind a residual disinfectant that can provoke bad taste and smell. The water and recipient disinfection extends the validity period.

The final bottling with spring water requires for a strict control of the ozone concentration in order to ensure a balance between sanitation and the bromate formation.The ozone dose and the contact period must be enough in order to inactivate bacteria, viruses and parasites that could be present in the product during bottling.

A strict control of ozone administration must be kept till final bottling and variables must be complied with that influence dissolved ozone concentration that include water temperature, flow, the power of ozone generator, the effective transfer mass of the hydraulic system over time.

The ozone batching in a water line ozon includes the following:

  • An ozone integrated system built around the value of 0.5kg ozone at water flows of up to 120 liters per minute. The ozone transfer mass is provided by means of a Venturi injector, the recirculation pump and a specially designed set up stainless steel reservoir. The control system integrates the generation and transfer of the ozone mass, with ozone sensors, flow sensors, monitored and controlled pressure, atmospheric ozone detectors and position indicators of the valve. The entire process is easy to control and monitor by an easy display.
  • Four process pumps: A pump installed on the ozone integrated generator, one on the other, another directly in the storage vase (the spring water transfers on entering the skid-proof reservoir) and another one going out of the control tower for the filling equipment.
  • The ozone sensors monitor the ozone concentration on going out from the storage vase.

Water treatment with ozone


The fish incubators and pisciculture farms play a bigger and bigger role in meeting the world demand for fish. In order to meet effectively this demand, the pisciculture farms must practice the techniques for growth in industrial system. The more the fish density grows the same grows also the infection risk by hydric transmission of bacteria and viruses.

Ozone is an ideal disinfectant for pisciculture and aquaculture due to its capacity to kill bacteria and viruses without leaving any residues. Ozone is an effective treatment, that:

  • oxidizes organic matter, such as the fish fecal matter..
  • inactivates bacteria and viruses.
  • destabilizes colloidal particles.
  • disinfects water.

Moreover, any ozone excess decomposes into oxygen and doesn’t stand for any health risk for the fish or for those that subsequently eat it.

The solution is ozone.

Cooling tower

The cooling towers (air-conditioning) need difficult maintenance interventions to keep their effectiveness and operation. Most of the maintenance interventions include periodical cleaning of the pipes that can be attributed to only one issue – organic matter and microbes in the cooling tower. The microbial increase leads to corrosion, prevents the heat or cooling exchange effectively and can block fast the system if no intervention takes place.

The approach using a chemical treatment is not an effective solution to these problems.

The technological progress led to the development of a much more powerful weapon in the fight against corrosion and microbes: ozone.

Ozone has an oxidation power of 1.52 times bigger than chlorine, which makes it the most powerful oxidizer commercially available on the market. Our ozone generators can destroy microorganisms and organic matter that enter the water, food for animals, as well as those from the cooling system. The use of dangerous chemical substances is eliminated. The purification methods are eliminated. The maintenance is reduced to the minimum.

Car washes

Many of the used chemical substances can be replaced by ozone, for clothes rinsing less water is used and automatically the electricity expenses drop.

When washing with ozone the water heating is not necessary.


  • reduces all the bacteria and viruses that can be found on the bed linen and on the clothing.
  • contamination with diseases is reduced.
  • less water is necessary for rinsing.
  • chemical substances are less used in the washing process.

Common ozone use:

  • hotels – water savings, electricity..
  • hospitals – in order to reduce crossed contamination of diseases and infections, for the patients’ health and smaller costs.

Ozone can be directly injected in water or in the supply hose.

Remediation for industrial waters

There is no easy solution for the remediation of the industrial wastewater. The wastewater includes an abundance of toxins, solid as well as soluble, that can be resistant to biodegradation and ventilation. More than this, the level of these toxins is in a constant and continuous fluctuation.

Fortunately, technology produced a new weapon, ozone, that has the capacity to neutralize toxic products, such as ammonia, cyanide and organic absorbable halogens that can eliminate the organic matter from water.

By the advanced oxidation process with technologies of ozone systems, these can eliminate even compounds that are incredibly resistant to oxidation. Most of our systems for wastewater treatment, are so effective, that the treated water can be considered potable water.

The costs analysis considers that the technological ozonization systems may reach the "pay-back" point in few years since their installation. Now you have a powerful ally: ozone.

Residual water cleaning

The ozone use for wastewater disinfection is growing because of some strict regulations related to the fecal coliforms and other pathogen agents. Due to the chemical costs, ozone becomes a profitable solution for the disinfection of the wastewater. Ozone can be produced by the ozone generators by means of the oxygen from the surrounding air. Only electricity is necessary for functioning.

When water is full of pathogen agents, the initial solution is to add chemical substances. The addition of more chemical substances in a wastewater course for disinfection may seem an easy solution at the beginning, however, in many cases, these chemical substances must be then eliminated from these waters. For example, in case chlorine is used for E. coli reduction, chlorine must be eliminated before the discharge of wastewater.

Ozone being the most powerful available oxidizer, kills fast bacteria. Actually, ozone as disinfectant is ten times more powerful than chlorine.

By its use no waste and by-products result.

The ozone use for wastewater disinfection provides many advantages in costs savings, space savings, work force saving and clean water.

Ozone use advantages:

  • destroys all pathogen agents: bacteria and viruses.
  • destroys fungi and mould.
  • leaves no residues.
  • no chemical products are necessary for rinsing.
  • no chemical storage is necessary.
  • is clean, safe and trustworthy, using less space and less equipment for chemical treatment and storage systems.
  • ensures a good water clarity

Secondary ozone use advantages:

  • color removal. While ozone is used in particular for disinfection, a secondary effect is the color removal from the water flow.
  • oxidation of smells from the water. By the elimination of these compounds the smell control can be completed during the disinfection process.
  • the extraction of micro-pollutants from the water. The ozone use for wastewater disinfection can provide secondary benefits namely the removal and elimination of micro-pollutants from the water.
  • solid materials in suspension can be eliminated or reduced by means of ozone use. Ozone is frequently used for the removal of solids in suspension in the drinking water.

These effects are achievable in the water used with ozone.

Industrial installations cleaning (CIP)

Cleaning in place (CIP) is a cleaning method of the interior surfaces of pipes, recipients, reservoirs, valves, pumps and process equipment without dismantling. The usual washing process consists in more washing cycles with detergents, caustic acid, disinfectants and then rinsing.

The ozone use in the industrial installation systems provides many advantages for the food and beverages industry. Ozone is an ecological disinfectant that leaves no residual traces following the disinfection process. Ozone is a powerful disinfectant and its use can eliminate or can decrease the necessity of some cycles of hot water, as well as of costs. These savings in line with the chemical savings (chlorine) determined ozone to be a measure for the savings of costs.

Ozone is used on a large scale in beverages industry for the disinfection of products, bottles, bottle filling and CIP installations.

Ozone use advantages in industrial installations:

  • destroys all pathogen agents: bacteria and viruses..
  • destroys fungi and mould.
  • leaves no residues that could alter the aromas of a drink or from another product.
  • can replace hot water cycles in order to reduce electricity costs.
  • replaces chlorine (storage, manipulation, toxic element).

Ozone is the most powerful oxidizer on the market and can be used in the following industries:

  • wine
  • beer
  • bottled water
  • milk

And the cleaning of the industrial installations from these industries with ozone can lead to significant smaller costs.

Food washing and processing

Disinfect the food stored using ozone that destroys pathogen agents.

Ozone use advantages:

  • the most powerful oxidizer available
  • ecological
  • destroys pathogen agents instantaneously
  • 3000 times more powerful than chlorine
  • leaves no chemical residues

Ozone is very suitable for the food industry, due to its capacity to disinfect microorganisms without chemical products and can be used in the processing as well as in food storage.

Pathogen agents inactivation:

  • Salmonella
  • E. coli
  • Listeria
  • Dysenteriae
  • Micrococcus aureus
  • Clostriduim botulinum

Ozone use benefits:

  • improves taste and aspect of products.
  • drops the number of microorganisms and ensures a longer validity period.
  • destroys pesticides and residues.
  • eliminates chlorine.
  • reduces the crossed contamination risk of the pathogen agents.
  • leaves no chemical residues and needs no final rinsing.
  • it's natural and allows ozone use in the production of ecological food.

Surfaces cleaning

At the world level food safety already ranks first..

Keeping food products without pathogen agents and the reduction of crossed contamination potential of pathogen agents is important and therefore the surfaces sanitation is also important..

Microbes can attach to a surface and continue to grow layer over layer.The new layers of microbes can provide nutrients and protection against sanitation at the existing microbes layers. These microbes layers can continue to grow and become more resistant to sanitation down the ages in case the sewage conduits are not cleaned regularly. This resistance is the most frequent in cracks, crevasses and the corners of the food products processing equipment, which are cleaned only periodically.

A common disinfectant in the processing industry of food products is chlorine. Chlorine is mixed with water in order to be used as a disinfectant. Some microorganisms, such as E. coli and Giardia can build resistance to chlorine down the ages. This can determine chlorine to be less effective.

A disadvantage of chlorine is the tough effect that it can have on the metal and wood equipment. The steel components are attacked by the water mixed with chlorine and leads to the shortening of the lifespan of equipments. The wood barrels for wine, are also affected by concentrated chemical products. The wine producers are very careful when choosing high quality wood barrels, this wood could be deteriorated or modified and doesn’t serve this way to its initial purpose.

Ozone can be diluted in water as well as other chemical substances.

Ozone in aqueous state can be atomized in installations in safety conditions.

Equipments, walls, floors, culverts, reservoirs, conduits, shelves, knives, and tables can be atomized with ozone in aqueous state. The closed conduits can also be disinfected using ozone.

Advantages: the surfaces are cleaned and microbes, bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores are destroyed. There is not necessary another cleaning stage after ozone cleaning. No rinsing is necessary because ozone will leave no residue on the surface. This can reduce the cleaning time and water.

Ozone is a powerful disinfectant, that leaves no residual trace on the surface of equipments or materials. This limits the corrosive potential of ozone and provides a more mild disinfection than many of the chemical substances currently used. Ozone will provide excellent cleaning results, without harmful effects on the metal or wood from the installations.

Ozone can be used during the entire day while processing to sterilize the processing equipment and is an effective disinfectant with a wide variety of uses.

Ozone has a bright future in the cleaning of surfaces.

Drinking water disinfection

Many house owners receive water from a spring, a water that has a bad smell and taste or the water is received through centralized installations, a water that is not completely disinfected, consequently it is not recommended to be drunk.

We can find in this type of water soluble iron, manganese and sulphur. Once the water is brought to the surface the elements start to oxidize when entering in contact with the air. This oxidation causes many problems. Rust or dark marks on the baths or sinks such as the unpleasant smell and bad smell are the most obvious.

When ozone is applied in water, the elements are oxidized instantaneously and the water is filtered.

This property of oxidation of ozone is beneficial in particular when we are treating the bacteria from the water. Ozone is the most powerful oxidation agent available on the market – 1.52 times more powerful than chlorine. The effect is the instantaneous destruction of viruses, bacteria and microorganisms. Ozone can kill these pathogen agents 3.000 times faster than the chlorine used in conventional water treatment.

After the ozonization provided by our ozone generators and then filtering, the water is as clean and refreshing as bottled water.

If the washing mashine, the dish water will use ozonized water you will have no rust marks. It's amazing!

Ozone in industrial use


Ozone is largely applied in agriculture.

For example, ozone can be used in order to destroy pathogen agents and to extend the validity period of the products from the storage spaces::

  • potatoes
  • onion
  • vegetables
  • citrus fruits
  • meat
  • fish and sea food
  • all related to fruits-vegetables-meat

Other benefits of using an ozone generator in agriculture:

  • controls and eliminates microbes.
  • maintains the sanitation of the rooms inhibiting the pathogen agents.
  • eliminates mould from the area of cold storage.
  • controls smell..

You can replace completely the pesticides for the disinfection of vegetables by using ozonated tap water through an ozone generator.

You can reduce up to 50% the deterioration process of the products using ozone.

Hospitality industry

The restaurants, pubs or hotels can easily install an ozonization system in the ventilation systems and can eliminate, thus, the persisting cigarette smoke for the smells from the kitchen.

The ozonization system destroys pathogen agents, reducing this way the danger of spreading the diseases in the air.

Through ozonization you can eliminate a large variety of smells:

  • cigarette smoke and tar
  • cooked meal and food debris
  • dead and old
  • WCc
  • chlorine
  • pets
  • human body
  • air-conditioning
  • mould from the ventilation system
  • smoke

Medical industry

Those working in the medical or pharma industry can use ozone generators for the benefits brought.

The ozone therapy, known also as therapy with ozone-oxygen, accounts for an alternative medical treatment and defines a multitude of practices that are relied on ozone administration by injection or orally in order to treat numerous diseases by killing their microorganisms.

Hospitals and pharmacies can use ozonization equipments in order to eliminate bad smells to destroy microbes.

Ozone sterilizes and disinfects.

Food industry

Ozone is very suitable for the food industry, due to its capacity to disinfect microorganisms without chemical products and can be used in the processing and storage of meat.

Total inactivation of pathogen agents::

  • Salmonella
  • E. coli O157: H7
  • Listeria
  • Micrococcus aureus
  • Clostriduim botulinum

The benefits of using ozone in food industry are multiple:

  • decreases the number of microorganisms and ensures a longer validity period.
  • destroys pathogen agents instantly.
  • you don't use chemical products.
  • you have no residues of chemical products.
  • it's natural and allows ozone use in the production of ecological food.

Ozone eliminates steel and manganese

Steel and manganese elimination from the drinking water systems is one of the most uses of ozone. Steel and manganese are easily to oxidize through a fast oxidation reaction.

Ozone is the most powerful oxidizer on the market.

Indoor air

Since ozone is a powerful oxidizer, this can destroy smells permanently.

The ozone generators are extremely effective in reducing the level of smell and mould from the house, basement, restaurant, hotel bringing a clear, neutral air. With ozone devices you can sterilize completely all the rooms, getting rid of the organic smells. The bad "skunk" smells can be eliminated by our devices.

Cigarette smell, cooked meal smell and that resulted from debris food, of dead, old, of WC, of pets, of human body, the smell given by the air-conditioning can be removed by using ozone.

If the cleaning companies use ozone for cleaning purposes, why don’t you use our devices without additional costs?

Ozone use advantages:

  • is the most powerful available oxidizer for smell treatment.
  • decomposes in oxygen, after the reaction with the smells.
  • it's a green technology!
  • is the most powerful oxiding agent comercially available.
  • kills pathogen agents.
  • is molecular and enters into cracks and crevasses, that can be solved with traditional cleaning methods

Restoration following fire and flood

The restoration of the buildings following fire destruction is an issue due to the persisting smell that penetrates all the corners.

Sometimes a fire before being extinguished, burns only a small area of an office building or of the house. What follows after is the difficult restoration job of the building to its initial state. After a fire, certain structures must be rebuilt and the smoke smell must disappear, an extremely difficult task except the case when ozone layer applies.

Ozone deletes completely any residue of smoke and smell, leaving the air fresh (if it is a structure of timber and gyps-board they will be replaced)..

The smell is eliminated if you forgot a sauce pot on the cooker and this burnt completely.

Ozone can be applied in hotel rooms and vehicles with no less good results.

You have just been flooded and you face serious issues with mould and mould spores in the house, basements, restaurants?

The common cleaning methods are not enough when you have to remedy the areas with mould..

Ozone saturates the entire surface and reaches the less accessible areas to the hand in order to neutralize mould spores directly to their source.

The ozone generators are a valuable tool if you want to sterilize completely the spaces covered by mould and spores.

The dampness and humidity are often factors producing mould and it is important to reduce these levels before treatment.

Restaurant, Pub and Hotel

Restaurants, pubs and hotels became a battlefield for smokers and non-smokers.

Another big issue is the cooked meal smoke. The owners and clients and caught in the middle. Our ozone air systems are easy to install in the ventilation systems and the elimination of existing smoke, eliminating the kitchen smells and other pollutants, that can persist. Additionally, the system will destroy pathogen agents, reducing the danger of spreading the diseases in the air. Smokers can enjoy the pleasure after the dinner and non-smokers will leave home without old, bad smells on their clothes. Everybody is satisfied.

For house owners, smokers, tobacco is a pleasure, but the dead smoke is not. Neither mould or bacterial smell.

Water for rinsing

By mixing ozone with water we can obtain ozonated water, the rinsing water, that shall reuse … reuse … reuse.

In most of the industrial processes, the rinsing water is used only once and eliminated. This creates high costs of the water. Ozone oxidizes organic matter, destroys bacteria and reduces pesticides. Once homogenized, ozone comes back to the oxygen form. Our water treatment systems use this powerful oxidier to clean the rinsing water, allowing it to be recycled and reused repeatedly.


  • the rinsing enriched with ozone water can kill any fungus, mould and bacteria present on the animals' skin.
  • apples processing.
  • vegetables processing.
  • washing of the industrial surfaces.
  • washing of the installations.

The result is the extension of the validity period.

Removes odors

Ozone can be used safely in order to reduce significantly or even eliminates the smells that are created by the industrial processes. An ozone solution correspondingly implemented, will lead to the coverage and elimination of the smell and makes the environment better.


  • industrial wastewater treatment.
  • smell resulted from kitchens, restaurants, hotels, hospitals.
  • animals' growing.
  • food storage.
  • industrial commercial spaces.
  • cinema (elimination of the cinema room smell).

Ozone use advantages:

  • eliminates smell.
  • destroys pathogen agents.
  • fast.
  • safe and ecological
  • without chemical residues.
  • improves the air quality.

Other industries

Ozonization devices can be used in many industries that we haven't added on our web page.

Use an ozone generator wherever you need to:

  • eliminate bad smells
  • sterilize and disinfect
  • destroy bacteria
  • use the most powerful possible oxidizer
  • maintain the rooms sanitation

Ozone and pathogen agents


Giardia (Giardia lamblia or Giardia intestinalis) is a protozoan parasite that lives in the small intestine of man, in particular of children. This can be transmitted through dirty hands, contaminated food, unwashed fruits and vegetables.

The disease causes giardia and is called giardiasis. This involves diarrhea, pain and gastric distention, eye pain, bronchitis, eczema, heart diseases.

This appears frequently in case of soil and water contamination, being one of the main causes of diarrhea in the world.


Bacteria are omnipresent mono cellular procaryotic microorganisms.

ATaking into account the metabolic diversity, they succeed to ensure themselves the necessary nutritional material almost from everything; starting from the use of the most simple chemical substances, even inorganic and till the use of the most complex organic substances, they prove an increased diversity and an unprecedented adaptability..

Ozone is more powerful:

  • 25 times bigger than HOCl (hypochlorous)
  • 2500 times bigger than CIO (hypochlorite)
  • 5000 times bigger than NH 2 Cl (aktivin)

Moreover, ozone is at least ten times more powerful than chlorine as disinfectant..

Chlorine reacts with meat that forms extremely toxic and carcinogenic called THMs or tri-halomethanes. THMs have been involved as carcinogenic agents at kidneys, urinary bladder and bowel cancer.


Listeria is a common term that refers to a specific stem of bacteria. There is a serious infection caused by a consumption of contaminated food with this stem of bacteria. This disease can be deathful and will represent a bigger risk for those with a weak immune system.

Listeria can be found in soils (fruits and vegetables), in all kinds of products of meat, milk and eggs.

The food with a higher risk is the one insufficiently prepared such as unpasteurized milk, raw fruits.

Ozone can be used for the reduction or elimination of L. Listeria on the food products.

The most common method to use ozone for the reduction of the pathogen agent is through the dissolution of the ozone layer in water. The aqueous ozone is very stable, safe and easy to manage.


Escherichia coli ( E. coli ) is a bacterium that can be found in man and animal bowls. The E. coli specific stems are dangerous and can cause diseases and gastrointestinal disorder. One of the most dangerous E. coli stems is O157: H7. This E. coli stem can jeopardize life and can be found on many vegetables, meat and even of the tap water.

The antimicrobial intervention with chlorine is relatively easy to use as oxidizer and is effective against a variety of pathogen agents. However, the chlorine use is more and more difficult to integrate since the secondary potential harmful effects of chlorine are more and more and even more obvious. This happens with other antimicrobial interventions, such as metal bromide, chlorine dioxide, with sodium hypochlorite.

An antimicrobial effective and safe intervention is the one with ozone.

The ozone use gains popularity in the drinking water, the food products processing and sanitation..

Studies and research have been carried out and ozone proved to be a successful antimicrobial agent in E. coli O157: H7 reduction..

The ozone levels of 2.0 ppm are frequently used to reduce E. coli O157: H7. Only few seconds of aqueous ozone contact with the pathogen agent are necessary for inactivation..

Ozone in medicine

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy, also known as therapy with ozone-oxygen, accounts for an alternative medical treatment and defines a multitude of practices that rely on ozone administration through injection (intravenous, intramuscular or intraarticular ) or orally (ozonated water, ozonated oil or other such products) in order to treat numerous diseases by killing their microorganisms.